Monday, September 11, 2006

Dumbass AmericaLast Editorial of the Day.

The Boston Globe proves you can cram an infinite amount of ignorance into a brain the size of a gnat's.

How safe a world?
September 11, 2006

THE FIFTH ANNIVERSARY of the Sept. 11 attacks is a day of remembrance and special sadness for the nation, and all those who knew any of the 2,973 victims. Yet in the long run, the reaction of the Bush administration may prove more harmful to the national interest than even these horrific attacks. In speeches over the last two weeks, Bush has painted the attack as a battle in "the decisive ideological struggle of the 21st century." And he said of Al Qaeda, the jihadist group that organized the attack: "They're successors to fascists, to Nazis, to communists."

The attacks were fiendishly clever, taking advantage of the overconfidence of Americans in the security of their borders and the failure of the FBI and CIA to share intelligence. Yet Al Qaeda lacks the military and economic power of a nation-state to mount a sustained series of attacks. And its ideology is a throwback to medieval times when the Muslim caliphate ruled the Middle East. Its belief system does not offer the illusions of modernity that drew people to Nazism or communism.

That there is a eurocentric, whitebread lie! Goat rape is quite appealing to people who are still living in the 12th century.

Al Qaeda's appeal to many Muslims has more to do with the perception that the United States has become an oppressor than with the particulars of the group's intolerant worldview. This ideological battle is like a judo match in which Al Qaeda turns abuses of power by the United States against its stronger adversary. US leaders should be wise enough not to play this game.

Ack! Britney Spears videos make me want to kill innocents!

After the attack, to be sure, the administration deftly handled the campaign to topple the Taliban government in Afghanistan and expel Al Qaeda from its base there. But then Bush and his lieutenants allowed Osama bin Laden and other Al Qaeda leaders to escape into Pakistan. The administration has been overreacting ever since.

Oy vey!

The Bush administration decided to put the bulk of the people captured in Afghanistan -- Al Qaeda agents and those caught up in the fighting -- into prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where they were denied the rights of prisoners of war. (Dumbass AmericaLasters willfully ignore the war in which we find ourselves. - F.G.) The few high-ranking captives were consigned to secret prisons outside the United States where they were subjected to abusive interrogations. Bush announced last week that these prisons had been closed and the inmates moved to Guantanamo Bay. But the damage has been done. Many Muslims look at the United States as a jailer and torturer.

Once the Taliban had been routed, Bush turned to Iraq. A few days ago he defended his decision to invade the country and oust Saddam Hussein, who, the president asserted, "harbored terrorists, fired at military planes, paid the families of Palestinian suicide bombers, invaded neighbors, and pursued and used weapons of mass destruction." Saddam was a tyrant, but the president was conflating the dictator's 25-year record of crimes into a single snapshot. By 2003, the year of the invasion, Saddam was confined to oppressing his own people and was doing nothing to promote terrorist attacks on the United States. The long war against the insurgency in Iraq has further inflamed Mideast opinion against the United States without enhancing US security.
Continued... (If you can spare the brain cells...)

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