Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Congratulations, Trish Stratus.

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TORONTO (CP) - Trish Stratus went out with a bang. Edge left the ring a banged-up mess.

Toronto-area wrestlers gained one championship and lost another Sunday at Unforgiven, World Wrestling Entertainment's September pay-per-view. Stratus, who officially retired after Unforgiven, defeated arch-rival Lita to claim the WWE Women's Championship. The 30-year-old tearfully waved to the sold-out Air Canada Centre crowd after she captured the title for a record seventh time.

Stratus, who is set to be married Sept. 30, subdued Lita using the Sharpshooter, a submission manoeuvre made famous by Calgary native and WWE Hall of Fame grappler Bret (Hitman) Hart.

The match began with chants of "Thank You Trish!" and ended with Stratus embracing ring announcer and close friend Lillian Garcia before leaving to a standing ovation. (Thanks to Yahoo!Canada for the heads up.)

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