Thursday, September 21, 2006

And now, a message from a moderate mohammedan.

In the spirit of fairness, I will regularly offer some space here in my little idiot corner of Bloggerdom to moderate mohammedans so that they may combat the goat rapists who threaten to destroy their religion.

And now, without further ado, TheChurchMilitant happily and proudly presents a moderate mohammedan:

Uh...hello? Hello? Anybody there?

Guys, cue the moderate mohammedan.

Due to technical difficulties, Your Humble Servant is unable to offer you the thoughts and opinions of a brave moderate mohammedan at this time. TheChurchMilitant will make every effort to bring you a moderate mohammedan as soon as possible.

Well, that was disappointing, wasn't it, kiddies?

While I would not want to presume to speak for all moderate mohammedans, I think I am safe in saying moderate mohammedans would like to wish all their Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Shintoist, animist, and atheist neighbors a nice day.

Also, I am willing to bet that any moderate mohammedan worth his salt would like to reassure everybody that he is keeping his eyes peeled for any goat rapist activity in his home, his mosque, school, cultural center, and his local Radio Shack. Undoubtedly, moderate mohammedans want you to know they will immediately and without hesitation report such activity to their friendly neighborhood law enforcement agents or the FBI.

In all likelihood, moderate mohammedans also want everyone to know they love democracy, republicanism, freedom of religion, and reality.

Stay tuned to TheChurchMilitant for actual stuff from actual moderate mohammedans as soon as it becomes available.

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