Friday, August 18, 2006

With the practitioners of the Religion of Peace and Love among the infidels.

Frankly, if there were Catholics running around blowing up mohammedans, protestants, and Jews, I would not be surprised if my neighbors looked at me warily and told their kids to avoid me. And I would not blame them one bit.

Washinton's other newspaper reports from deep in the heart of Londonistan:

For London's Muslims, Fear Of a Backlash
Many Say They Feel Alienated In Wake of Foiled Airliner Plot

Kashif Rashid keeps his chin shaved clean, his T-shirt loose over his blue jeans, his words lilting with a strong London accent. But the 28-year-old educator was just as Muslim as the old bearded men in the flowing robes sitting next to him Thursday night. And being Muslim, Rashid said, means something different now.

His relatives and friends have already heard hints of it while walking London's melting-pot streets.

"Stuff like, 'Why don't you go back to your own country?' and, 'I'm staying away from you.' That type of thing," said Rashid, who runs an adult education center. "Things have definitely changed. . . . You subconsciously fear that people will treat you different. You prepare yourself for what you would say if anyone says something to you, and you never felt like that before."

Rashid joined about 100 other people Thursday night for a public meeting in the East London neighborhood of Walthamstow, home to several of the suspects arrested last week in the alleged plot to blow up transatlantic airliners. Since the subway and bus bombings in London last year, and again after the recent arrests, some Muslims in London say they feel increasingly alienated in what is one of the most diverse, cosmopolitan cities in the world.

"You fear what effect recent events will have on the community. We were just getting over one thing and then something else happens," Rashid said.

At the meeting, held in a community center, local leaders and politicians appealed for calm and patience as the police investigation into the alleged plot continues. Several speakers expressed frustration that the government will not acknowledge that its support of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan has fomented domestic anger. And people called on Muslims to express their frustrations in dialogue and nonviolent protests.

"Islam is a peaceful religion, not an evil ideology," said Imtiaz Qadir, a spokesman for the Islamic association in Waltham Forest, in east London.

Among the concerns of Muslims in London is a proposal to profile groups suspected of posing a security threat at airports. The proposal has angered many Muslims who say such a policy would amount to discrimination against them.

But a poll published this week in the Spectator magazine found that 55 percent of people surveyed said they wanted to see "passenger profiling" introduced. More than two-thirds said they believed terrorism suspects should be able to be detained without charge for three months. And while 50 percent said they believed most British Muslims were moderate, 28 percent of respondents said they were not moderate.

"When faced with a choice between treating everybody equally and taking measures to prevent people from bombing planes, they veer toward stopping bombers on planes," said Peter Kellner, chairman of the polling firm YouGov, which conducted the poll.

If ever there was a name for a polling company fit for 1984, it is YouGov.

"It's certainly now a very strong sentiment that the fight against terrorism takes precedence over civil liberties," Kellner said.

Ismail Patel, the chairman of Friends of Al Aqsa, an organization dedicated to Palestinian rights, said that at a personal level, he does not sense being discriminated against because he is Muslim.


"But there are fears there might be a backlash on a long-term basis," he said. "When a society or a community as a whole is demonized, it's very easy to bring about draconian legislation that would impinge on that society."

Muslims in Britain, he said, are now "having to shoulder the whole burden of so-called terror, and hence profiling has now started, which to a certain extent we've expected," Patel said. "When you blanket Islam and Muslims like that, the average Muslim will see that Joe Public can't differentiate the potential troublemakers from the mass of Muslims who are peaceful. It's adding fuel to the fire."

Actually, those soldiers and marines (and their families) fighting and dying so your co-religionists can have the same freedoms you enjoy without having to flee to the West are the ones "shouldering the burden", sir.

As for your rather unfortunate turn of phrase "so-called terror", I would be willing to bet $20 you would defecate in your knickers if some middle class British goat rapist (who just happens to worship in a mosque) blew up the bus you ride to work. If you survive, that is.

The British police are currently holding 23 suspects -- most of them London-based Muslim men in their twenties -- accused of plotting to blow up several airplanes bound for the United States. (That sentence is an attempt to deceive. ALL the suspects are mohammedan. MOST live in London. - F.G.) On Wednesday, the police received permission to hold the suspects until next week before having to charge them, let them go, or file for another extension. Also, one person arrested in the Thames Valley area on Tuesday was released without charge the next day, police said.

The BBC reported on Thursday that police searching a forested area in High Wycombe, west of London, where at least four of the suspects were detained last week, found a suitcase containing equipment that could be used to make a bomb. A Metropolitan Police spokesman declined to comment on the report.

Top British government officials have held meetings this week with Muslim leaders to discuss ways to defuse potentially violent Islamic extremism. But some people have criticized the strategy, saying that Muslim leaders are not necessarily representing a separate population of discontented youth. Others argue that until the country's foreign policy is changed, particularly the support of U.S.-led efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan, the radical factions will not subside.

That is why we invented voting. Don't they teach civics in those mohammedan schools? (I knew I could not type that one with a straight face.)

Khurshid Ahmed, chairman of the British Muslim Forum, was one of the signatories on a recent letter to the government saying British foreign policy was fueling the radicalization of British youth. Since he spoke out, he said, he has been accused of being a traitor and blackmailing the government.

"Journalists express this view and are not labeled blackmailers, but it feels that if a nonwhite person questions it, then they are," Ahmed said. "The pace of radicalization has quickened in no small part because of the intervention in Iraq. We are not saying that is right, but it has been used by those with a murderous political agenda to prey on vulnerable young Muslims."

You see, kiddies, in evil fascist Britain all journalists are white. Thanks for the heads up, Ahmed.

Ahmed said that he has found recent meetings with government ministers "constructive" and that organizations such as the newly created Mosques and Imams National Advisory Board can help challenge extremism.

"Nothing justifies these attacks, we are not saying that. But we have to get to the cause of the negative radicalization and deal with it," he said. Terrorists "are putting the whole Muslim population at risk by ostracizing us from mainstream society."

If you and the decent, ordinary people you claim to represent are really worried about being ostracized, just call the cops when you see some of those "negatively radicalized" types trying to blow up "white" people. Voilà! You are automatically mainstreamed!

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