Welcome to the Suicide of the West. (Lone Middle Eastern Outpost style.)
Wise Israelis (and good Jews everywhere) are beginning to realize it may be too late to save the civilization we share.
From Israelinsider:
Terror Threat for 8/22: Back to the Future
Micah D. Halpern
The Iranian President tells us that something of great import will happen on the 22nd of August. If it wasn't the mid-air explosion of jets, what will it be?
Take Away My Mascara? This Means War!
Arlene Peck
Pretty soon I'm going to have to travel to the airport naked in order to comply with the restrictions Islam has forced upon us.
Amateur Hour Continues
Yuval Zaliouk
The antics of this bunch of amateurs now running the Israeli government would be laughable, if the situation were not so tragic and fraught with danger.
A very public crash landing
Jonathan Ariel
Lt. General Halutz's fighter jet is going down fast, and he will no doubt try to take others with him.
The ceasefire resolution doesn't require anyone to disarm Hezbollah
Ted Belman
The UN resolution doesn't contain any obligation to disarm Hezbollah. What are 30,000 soldiers for? Window dressing to sell the resolution.
Olmert's Surrender
Bruce S. Ticker
"Acceptance of this resolution is a sign of defeat, indicating that Israel will cease using force before our kidnapped soldiers are released."
Let my cousin not have died in a lost war
Doron Kescher
Every one of the 22,000 smiling young faces on the front cover of Israel's newspapers since 1948 has been an unimaginable tragedy for them, and for the ones they leave behind.
The Worst Government in the History of Israel
Naomi Ragen
Resign, Mr. Olmert. Resign in shame for your incompetence and inability to carry out a single one of the objectives you announced at the war's start.
The worst Israeli Prime Minister
Yuval Zaliouk
August 12, 2006 - If you take account of it, devoid of politics, Ehud Olmert has caused more damage and destruction to Israel than any of her enemies.
The Pride and Confidence are Gone
Howard Galganov
August 12, 2006 - Israel's once invincible image has been dragged down into the realm of the very ordinary. The little country that could, would, did, can't any more.
Learning from our Mistakes
Boris Shusteff
August 11, 2006 - Chess players know that one can learn much more from one's lost games than from the games won. But only if you thoroughly analyze the games.
The Call to Abandon Haifa: An Echo of History
Shelomo Alfassa
August 11, 2006 - The Jews are fighting for their survival, and they have the might and right to do so. Instead of making idiotic statements, Nasrallah should watch his back.
The Flying Crap Shoot
Howard Karger, PhD
August 11, 2006 - It's questionable whether El Al's time- and labor-intensive security system, while effective, could be efficiently implemented on a widespread basis.
Thinking beyond a cease-fire declaration
Dr. Aaron Lerner
August 11, 2006 - Regardless of when a cease-fire takes effect, Israeli policy makers should consider the serious policy questions and challenges a cease-fire will present.
Ceasefire Now!
Reuven Koret
August 10, 2006 - Israel should immediately lay down its arms and flee back to the border. It need not even wait for the UN to pass a resolution. Face it: we lost.
Terror by any other name
Arnold Roth
August 10, 2006 - A British policeman said that this is about "mass murder on an unimaginable scale". The sad truth is that terror is always about the unimaginable.
Khaibar: a missile's name signals Iran's genocidal intentions
Micah D. Halpern
August 8, 2006 - Why has Hezbollah chosen to name a missile Khaibar? Because Khaibar is not merely a name. It delivers a message: Death to the Jews.
Nasrallah's Offer, Israel's Answer
Moshe Feiglin
August 8, 2006 - On the thirtieth day of the war, Nasrallah called a press conference. He made Olmert and the people of Israel an offer they could not refuse. Or could they?
The lesson of Dresden
Jonathan Ariel
August 8, 2006 - Dresden symbolizes what had to be done to assure victory over Nazi Germany. Islamist fundamentalism is today's Nazism: will Beirut be today's Dresden?
A "Robust International Force" is a Crock
Ted Belman
August 7, 2006 - A strong independent, international fighting force in Lebanon will never happen, and drafters of the resolution know it.
Who's the Fool?
David Wilder
August 6, 2006 - The village fool was standing in the town square, making an idiot of himself. Almost all the villagers stood around, watching, laughing, enjoying the show.
Israel's Greatest Blunder Ever
Yuval Zaliouk
August 5, 2006 - Allowing any UN force on Israel's border will only work against Israel. Rockets will continue to fly and Israel will be prevented from marching in.
So much for the "Rule of Law"
Ze'ev Orenstein
August 5, 2006 - Tough talk only applies when it comes to throwing Jews out of their homes and the destruction of Jewish communities throughout the Land of Israel.
No ceasefire is better than a bad ceasefire
Ted Belman
August 5, 2006 - The prosecution of his war by Olmert's left-leaning government has been a disaster, based on its overwhelming desire to avoid another occupation.
Those Poor, Innocent Lebanese
Irwin N. Graulich
August 4, 2006 - You sleep with dogs, you wake up with fleas. You sleep with missiles, you wake up dead.
Olmert must choose between lives of human shields and Israelis
Dr. Aaron Lerner
August 3, 2006 - Israel's decision to give priority to lives of enemy human shields is not dictated by international law, which doesn't require states to self-destruct.
What is Going Wrong?
Moshe Feiglin
August 3, 2006Nasrallah may well have more surprises. The Jewish settlements in the mountains of Judea and Samaria might well be the best refuge for millions of Israelis.
The media war against Israel
Tom Gross
August 3, 2006 - Large sections of the international media are not only misreporting the current conflict in Lebanon. They are also actively fanning the flames.
A Different Sort of Morality
Moshe Kempinski
August 2, 2006 - Snapshot: While an IDF soldier pushes a child behind him to protect the child, a Hizbullah fighter pushes a child in front of him to protect himself.
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