If you don't want to subsidize Big Pornography (A wholly owned subsidiary of Big Masturbation)...
If you don't want to reward hotels that profit from piping pathetic porn into your room...
If you'd rather not have to answer questions about the in-room movie listings from your kiddies...
If you'd like to avoid the temptation posed by easily available naked sex professionals beamed into your hotel room on those lonely business trips...
Cleanhotels.com is for you!
The CleanHotels Pledge
Because I understand the addictive nature of pornography - and know that many hotels offer hardcore, pornographic movies through their in-room, pay-per-view service…
Because I know that marriages, families, and careers have been devastated because individuals have developed an addiction to pornography after being lured into viewing a pornographic movie in the privacy of their hotel room…
Because I know that accidental exposure to graphic, obscene images on a hotel television can have a lasting negative effect on children…
Because I don't want those who travel alone, or hotel associates, to be exposed to the dangerous environment created because other guests have been watching graphic, violent hardcore movies…
I therefore choose to avoid lodging facilities that offer "adult pay-per-view movies"…
And Pledge to always book rooms for my family, my business associates and myself through www.CleanHotels.com to show the lodging industry my support for hotels that do not offer adult pay-per-view movies.
I further Pledge to use the Report-a-Hotel feature to make CleanHotels aware of any facility that I do not think meets their standards.
This is a great idea. Thank you.