Thursday, August 03, 2006

Minnesota gets tough on white man's crack.

Winona Daily News: Meth offenders will get unwelcome exposure

Minnesota is rolling out another tool to fight methamphetamine: an Internet offender registry.

Gov. Tim Pawlenty directed state agencies Thursday to have a new Web site up and running by year's end that will post details on meth offenders, similar to the registries containing information on sex offenders.

Minnesota follows Tennessee and Illinois in creating a site to raise awareness about people convicted of making, selling or transporting the addictive drug.The site will include birth dates, conviction information and eventually photos of meth offenders. It won't have addresses.

That's good. Meth heads won't be able to use the website to find dealers in their neighborhoods, but...

``When the public is aware that somebody like that is in their neighborhood, they keep a more watchful eye, they organize and that elevates the level of awareness and hopefully public safety,'' Pawlenty said.

...Uh...Citizen Pawlenty? How exactly will the good folks of Minnesota know precisely where the meth makers are?

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