Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Michael and Cathryn Borden Memorial Book of the Day.*

How to Go to Confession When You Don't Know How
by Ann M. S. LeBlanc

"When Father John first mentioned the sacrament of reconciliation to me, I thought, 'Wow. They even invented a new sacrament while I was gone.' Once he had clarified the situation, my next thought was, 'I've got to throw up,' followed by, 'I'm outta' here.'"—from Chapter Two

"If you're nervous about confession, read this book," says the author, who was herself nervous about confession upon returning to the Church after many years away from its enveloping arms. Presented with humor, practicality and a deeply spiritual appreciation of the sacrament, the reader will find here a step-by-step description of exactly how to go about participating in the sacrament of reconciliation these days, helpful tips on what to say and how to make your approach, frequently asked questions by people just like you about the sacrament, including "How long does it take?" and "Isn't it embarrassing if you have to talk about sex?" (answer: "yes"), and suggestions for how to go about forgiving others. Other topics covered include "When Really Bad Things Have Happened to You" and "When the Person You Have to Forgive Is a Priest." This is a gem of a resource for those returning Catholics or new Catholics looking for a bridge to peace and healing.

*Who? Look here.

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