Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The protestant crackup continues apace.

Video game targets Antichrist

A Christian-themed electronic video game will feature battles pitting armies of a One World Government against the forces of God.

The forces of Satan in this New York City-based game are represented by so-called "Global Community Peacekeepers" based at the United Nations.

"They give arms to the Antichrist," said Troy A. Lyndon, founder and chief executive officer of Left Behind Games Inc., the company that has produced the diversion, due in stores in October.

The goal of the game, called "Left Behind: Eternal Forces," Mr. Lyndon said, is to use action-packed military adventure to get U.S. teens and others to consider issues of eternal importance, such as their spirituality.

If it were a realistic game, it would teach the kiddies to look a bit closer to home for evidence of antichrist.

"Thinking about what will happen when you die should be as exciting as 'Raiders of the Lost Ark,'?" Mr. Lyndon said.

Despite the violence of the game, promoters say it embodies Christian values. There is prayer for soldiers before battle, and players lose "spirit points" for unnecessary killings. The promoters suggest Jesus' commandment that his followers should "turn the other cheek" has been misunderstood.

"The Bible says you do not have to stand there and let someone kill you," said Derek Asato, a spokesman for Left Behind Games.

"Jesus did not say you have to let yourself be a punching bag or murder victim," Mr. Lyndon said in a telephone interview.

In the spirit of equanimity, the game offers players the chance to switch sides in the battle of good versus evil and fight for the Army of the Antichrist. But the emphasis of the game, the company says, is to make people recognize there will be consequences for their behavior. So this choice will unleash demons that first attack the faithful but eventually also bring down nonbelievers. (Thanks to The Washington Times for the heads up.)

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