Thursday, June 08, 2006

Leon Weil, Requiescat in pace.

Another hero of France departs. May God have mercy on his brave soul.

PARIS - Leon Weil, one of France's last surviving veterans of World War I, who was also a member of the resistance in World War II, earning decorations for both conflicts, has died. He was 109.

Weil died Tuesday at the Val de Grace military hospital in Paris, the national veterans office said yesterday.

Weil was mobilized in August 1916 at age 20 and sent to the western front, where he participated in bayonet charges.

In World War II, Weil was a member of an intelligence network for the resistance against the Nazi occupation of France, the veterans office said. He went under the code name "Victor." He was decorated as a combatant in both wars and was awarded France's highest award, the Legion of Honor.

After 1945, he built a career in sales of women's fashion.

Weil, born July 16, 1896, was a former boxer and avid swimmer who swam until age 102.

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