Regarding my post Noted rich guy Warren "Bufu" Buffet is actually trying to buy his way into Hell., someone using the unlikely name of MavisLeonard wrote the following:
May God have mercy on your souls, you black-hearted ghouls.
That's very unchristian of you.
1) It should be "un-Christian". I'm a language Nazi.
2) It isn't. These men are choosing to do evil with their money. Perhaps public chastisement will cause them to repent their evil ways. Until then, I will not refrain from calling mortal sins exactly that.
I get a lot of this kind of nonsense. I like to call it thechurchmilquetoast. I was going to catalog all of it in a necropsy of the leftist pseudo-church that is really totalitarian politics with an extremely thin veneer that sounds like the Sermon on the Mount. But it is just too depressing.
May God have mercy on the souls of all those who spew socialism as their gospel.
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