Thursday, June 08, 2006


You know Ann Coulter was right on target when she dared to question the fascist left's most effective tactic. (You could tell because all the slimy things crawled out from under their rocks and squealed at the same time.)

Hiding behind the "morally unimpeachable" victims (Cindy Seahag, The Guernsey Girls, Juanita Broaddrick...Oops! Silly me. Senator Hitlery Shickelgruber (N-NY), call your office.) works because most Americans can't imagine anyone would be sick enough to exploit a loved one's murder for political purposes.

AP: Ann Coulter lambasts some 9/11 widows
The group of outspoken 9/11 widows who pushed for the commission to investigate the attacks are "self-obsessed" and act "as if the terrorist attacks happened only to them," conservative author Ann Coulter charges in her new book.

ABC News: Hillary Lashes Out at Ann Coulter
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton Says Ann Coulter Launched a Mean-Spirited Attack on 9/11 Widows

Fox News: Grrr! Ann Coulter Goes Too Far
Ann Coulter offends Mike Straka's Grrr sensibilities.

Sun-Sentinel: Author Ann Coulter lambastes three 9-11 widows in new book
The group of outspoken 9-11 widows who pushed for the commission to investigate the 2001 attacks are "self-obsessed" and act "as if the terrorist attacks happened only to them," conservative author Ann Coulter charges in her new book.

Contra Costa Times: PEOPLE: 9/11 widows respond to attack from Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter's new book ignited a nasty controversy this week, and it doesn't appear ready to die down anytime soon. In "Godless: The Church of Liberalism" she writes that a group of outspoken 9/11 widows who pushed for investigations into the attacks, "enjoyed" their husbands' deaths, and are "self-obsessed" and act "as if the terrorist attacks happened only to them."

UPDATE 6/12/06

Fyodor struck a left-fascist nerve and gets enough mail to last a month of Sundays...

Ann Coulter must get the sickest e-mails in the world. The screeching of the banshee left continues unabated and this is conclusive evidence she was correct as usual.

I said she was right about the Guernsey Churls here in my tiny idiot corner of Bloggerdom and I received a heaping pile of steaming foolery (I only bothered to permit a couple of examples to ooze through.) its writers like to pretend is thought or even religion.

Speaking of the latter -

Memo To Anonymous (What else can one expect from a coward, kiddies?):

When was the last time you made a good confession, madame? You should worry about that gargantuan ignorance-fueled plank of hatred stuck in your own eye before bothering any of your neighbors, anonymously or not.


  1. The Jersey girls had the moral courage to call for an investigation into their husbands deaths. A move which made them the enemy of far right extremists who would rather monopolise 9/11 and the grief of the victims' families for their own political purposes.

    Imagine a murder which the government refused to investigate under over a year after the victim's death, now imagine if thousands died and were injured, the crime was used to justify two wars, numerous intrusions into civil liberties and erosion of human rights and international laws and the government refused to investigate until a year after the event, and then only because of pressure from external forces.

    Imagine a crime scene which was destroyed before an investigation could take place, with vital clues shipped overseas to be melted down.

    Coulter doesn't like the 9/11 widows because their existence challenges the use by the far right of the victims' memory for their own personal gain and partisan political agenda.

  2. Pish, posh! Peddle your ignorant flapdoodle and lies elsewhere, madame! I run a respectable joint here.

    If the Jersey Cows were truly interested in justice, they would have called for Ward Churchill’s firing (hmmm…maybe they think their husbands were little Eichmanns after all…) and they would have demanded King Goober II’s head on a platter for refusing to fight the war our enemies declared.

    Sorry, snookums. No communism masquerading as grief is allowed in these precincts. And the same goes for its infantile apologists.

  3. I don't want my readers to lose valuable brain cells. That is why I suffer through the piffle and bilgewater of the moral and intellectual superiors - so the kiddies don't have to.

    Once in a while, I let a stray pile of steaming nonsense (see first comment above) get through just to remind everyone there are indeed people out there who choose evil.

    Go play somewhere else, little girl. The Daily Kos is more your speed.
