Ann upsets the fascist left because she speaks of the horrors of their ideology with brutal, unvarnished honesty.
She upsets the Repansycans because she threatens their power-sharing arrangement with the totalitarian middle.*
In Ann Coulter's latest book, she asserts that "liberalism contains all the attributes of what is generally known as 'religion,'" including a creation mythology (evolution), priests (public school teachers) and a holy sacrament (abortion).
"Godless: The Church of Liberalism," (The Michael and Cathryn Borden Memorial Book of the Day.) is the fifth book written by the best-selling author and commentator. "Godless" hits store shelves on June 6, 2006 (6/6/06, a date she deliberately chose since the numbers correspond to the mark of the beast.)
Cybercast News Service interviewed Ann Coulter about her book. Our questions and her replies are published here, in their entirety.
Cybercast News Service: During his May 10 appearance on the "700 Club," Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said: "One of the misconceptions about the Democratic Party is that we're godless and that we don't have any values. The truth is we have an enormous amount in common with the Christian community, and particularly with the evangelical Christian community." How would you respond to his statement?
Ann Coulter: Who knew Howard Dean had a sense of humor?
Cybercast News Service: Do you think U.S. Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and U.S. Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) will ever admit they were wrong for claiming in September 2004 that President Bush had a "secret plan" to reinstate the military draft after the presidential election? Or does their military service insulate them from having to apologize?
Ann Coulter: Excellent question! No.
Cybercast News Service: In your book, you state: "If you gave all the money in the United States to the public schools, they would not improve; they would simply cost more." Can you envision any federal attempt to improve education at the local level that would be effective?
Ann Coulter: Yes, abolish the Department of Education and bring RICO suits against the teachers' unions.
Cybercast News Service: Most people consider evolution to be a branch of science, or at least a scientific theory, yet in "Godless," you refer to it as a "cult" and a "fetish." What is your basis for calling it that?
Ann Coulter: There is no evidence that it is true. The fossil record contradicts it, and it is a theory that cannot be disproved. Whatever happens is said to "prove" evolution. This is the very definition of a pseudoscience, like astrology. (Of course, I would say that. I'm just a Capricorn, aren't I?)
Cybercast News Service: Creationism is not considered a science because it can't be observed or empirically tested. You assert in your book that the theory of evolution has the same problems. Why then has the U.S. public school system been willing to accept the theory of evolution, but snubbed creationism?
Ann Coulter: Because evolution is the official state religion. Although it is possible to believe in God and evolution, it is not possible to not believe in God without believing in evolution -- otherwise, atheists have no explanation for why we are here. Thus, it's very important for the liberal clergy to force small school children to believe in a discredited mystery religion from the 19th century -- evolution -- in order to prepare them to believe in the nonexistence of God, one of the main goals of the American public education system.
Exactly. As I have said many times, kiddies, you don't need a conspiracy if everybody thinks the same.
Cybercast News Service: Al Gore and others assert that the recent rash of destructive hurricanes, tornadoes, snow storms, heat waves, etc. are by-products of "global warming." Many in politics and the media also believe that "global warming" is indisputably threatening our future. Has the political Left won the debate over "global warming," or is there any way to persuade the majority of America that we're not burning up?
Ann Coulter: The Left will have won the debate on global warming when the American people agree to give up their cars, their commercial air travel and their manufacturing jobs. You let me know when that happens, OK?As I said in Slander, the reason "global warming" has become such a burning issue for liberals is that this time we can't prove them wrong for a thousand years. They were wrong about the Rosenbergs, wrong about Alger Hiss, wrong about McCarthy, wrong about the Cold War, wrong about Reagan, wrong about welfare reform, wrong about tax cuts, wrong about Clinton, wrong about Ayatollah Khomeini -- wrong about everything. With global warming, they finally have an issue to be hysterical about that we won't be able to prove them wrong for a thousand years!
Cybercast News Service: What do liberal environmentalists have against toilets that use water?
Ann Coulter: They admire the living situation of the earthworm and believe humans should emulate it.This is why they adore primitive societies where people crap in holes behind their mud huts. They pray that these primitives never leave the mud huts -- unless it's to come clean their designer spa bathrooms "off the books."
Cybercast News Service: Do you think any of them has ever used the type of dry toilet that they advocate?
Ann Coulter: Well, that would certainly explain why they're so cranky all the time. Dry toilets are worthless. You can't even use them to destroy a copy of the Koran. And believe me, I've tried.
Cybercast News Service: Why do you consider abortion the holiest sacrament of the liberal "religion"?
Ann Coulter: It's their version of virgin sacrifice. The Democrats will betray any special interest group -- except the pro-abortion ladies. If you mean why is it the holiest sacrament of the liberal religion, it is because they think if women have access to easy abortions, they can engage in carefree trysts without consequence.
Cybercast News Service: Do you think Democrats will ever nominate a presidential candidate who's considered pro-life?
Ann Coulter: Sure, right after they invent a time machine and nominate a Democrat who can be trusted on national defense.
Cybercast News Service: Please compare the success between adult stem-cell research and research using embryonic stem cells. What does this show about liberals' attitude toward science?
Ann Coulter: The difference in their success is roughly equivalent to the difference in success between the computer and the flushless toilet. Adult stem cells have been used to treat more than 80 diseases. Embryonic stem cells have cured nothing -- they have never, ever been tried in one human clinical trial. The embryonic stem cell debate is a fraud to lure Americans into ceding ground on human experimentation.
Cybercast News Service: What advice would you give Tony Snow on handling the media now that he's the new White House press secretary?
Ann Coulter: Make sure Helen Thomas passes through a metal detector.
More from the New York Daily News:
"I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much," Coulter writes in her new book.
Her brutal words were challenged yesterday on national television by "Today" host Matt Lauer - and she was slammed by the widows she derided as self-absorbed, limelight-seeking "harpies."
"I'd like her to meet my daughter and tell her how anyone could enjoy their father's death," said Kristen Breitweiser, one of four widows known as the "Jersey Girls."
She's criticizing your behavior, sweetie, not your daughter's. A nice rhetorical device, that.
"She sounds like a very disturbed, unraveled person," added Breitweiser.
In "Godless: The Church of Liberalism," the uncompromisingly right-wing Coulter writes the Jersey Girls have no right to criticize President Bush or any of the failures that led to the terror attacks.
"These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by grief-arazzis," Coulter writes.
"And by the way, how do we know their husbands weren't planning to divorce these harpies? Now that their shelf life is dwindling, they'd better hurry up and appear in Playboy. . .
"These self-obsessed women seemed genuinely unaware that 9/11 was an attack on our nation and acted as if the terrorist attacks happened only to them."
Breitweiser, Lorie Van Auken, Mindy Kleinberg and Patty Casazza bonded after their husbands died on 9/11, leaving them with seven children and a desire for answers.
They pushed to create the 9/11 commission, which put out a scathing report criticizing the Clinton and Bush administrations for not taking the terrorist threat more seriously - and found New York's emergency response system wasn't prepared for a serious attack.
"Our ports have not been secured. Our borders have not been secured. We still haven't caught [Osama] Bin Laden," Van Auken said yesterday. "She's not even talking about what we were talking about. She's just attacking."
The Jersey Girls - or, as Coulter calls them, "the Witches of East Brunswick" - have been criticized before, but never like this. Van Auken told the Daily News she was stunned by the vitriol.
"Having my husband burn alive in a building brought me no joy," she said.
"Watching it unfold on national TV and seeing it repeated endlessly was beyond what I could describe. Telling my children they would never see their father again was not fun. And we had no plans to divorce."
When Lauer grilled Coulter about the book, she yelled at him so harshly that gasps echoed through Rockefeller Center - and then she made a wisecrack about CBS-bound former host Katie Couric.
"If you lose a husband, you no longer have the right to have a political point of view?" Lauer asked.
As the exchange grew tense, Coulter said, "Look, you're getting testy with me."
She later added: "Hey, where's Katie? Did she leave or something?"
Last night, Coulter didn't back down from bashing the 9/11 widows. "These women got paid. They ought to take their money and shut up about it," Coulter said on MSNBC's "The Situation with Tucker Carlson."
Coulter made headlines in the past when she called for blowing up The New York Times Building, advocated forcing Muslims to become Christians and wrote an entire book that said every American liberal is guilty of treason.
Her controversial writings have made her a best-selling .author and syndicated columnist and put her on the cover of Time magazine. She's made big bucks in the process, buying a $1.5 million condo on the upper East Side.
* Politicians of both parties denounced Coulter's comments.
"It's totally inhumane to be saying things like this about people who went through such agony," said Rep. Pete King (R-L.I.).
"It seems that she's just full of anger and hate," said Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-Manhattan), who held a news conference yesterday with relatives of 9/11 victims on the country's failure to improve security.
"Like an insecure child, it's always been clear that Ann Coulter is prepared to do anything to get attention," added Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-Brooklyn, Queens). "This is a new low."
Unsurprisingly, politicians don't get it. (Or pretend not to.) The losses these women suffered do not make them experts on terrorism, national security, school lunch programs, or anything else. The only reason the antique media even knows their names is because they spout the left-fascist line on cue.
Ann has it right. These pathetic ghouls are basking in the glow of the celebrity created by their loved ones' murders.
I don't think anyone is saying these women should be immune from attack. The problem people on both the left and right have with Coulter is that she equates attacking their positions with attacking them.
ReplyDeleteFor example, if Coulter (or anyone else) disagreed with these women's call for a commission investigating how and why the 9/11 attacks happened, she could easily say, "While these women suffered a terrible loss, I disagree with their position on the necessity of a 9/11 commission for the following reasons . . ."
There's no necessary incongruity between disagreeing with someone and being respectful of that person as an individual. Unfortunately, Coulter doesn't understand and/or acknowledge this, which is what leads her to claim that no one is allowed to disagree with these women, and to make the sorts of personal attacks, rather than disagreeing with them on the issues.
Sorry, Citizen Anon E. Moose, you are wrong. You advocate carrying a penknife to a gunfight.
ReplyDeleteMy full reply is here:
Good luck. You are going to need it.