Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Three time Iranian Women's Chess Champion Shirin Navabi is forbidden from attending World Cup soccer matches by her moral and intellectual superiors.


  1. I absolutely love this women. I think she is the most beautiful women I have ever seen. Its a miracle that such beauty exists! I only wish she could know how I feel, even though I may never get to meet her.

  2. Amen to all that, Brother. She is indeed beautiful and beauty is indeed a miraculous gift from God.

    Freedom is also a gift from God, as is Shirin's intellect. Tragically, some men hate God and fear all his gifts. These men must be kept from positions of power.

    If you ever do meet her, ask her if she has a sister for me. I'd also like an invitation to the wedding. (I am happy to do my part to make this miracle happen.)
