Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Stolen Valor Act.

Please contact your friendly neighborhood Congressthing and Senatrix and ask them to vote for The Stolen Valor Act (HR 3352 and S 1998). We have so few real heroes and their reputations must be protected from the vile imposters who dare to claim they are heroes.

In a related matter, I have heard a bill will soon be introduced in the Pennsylvania Legislature that will outlaw the use of military medals for commercial purposes in the commonwealth. While the US Department of Defense regulations prohibit such abuse, there is no federal or PA law against it.

The bill will be introduced by
Representative Gordon Denlinger.

If you think this is much ado about nothing, consider this. Here in Flyover, there is a trash hauling business called "Purple Heart Disposal" that features a painting of the Purple Heart medal on its garbage truck. I do not think this is appropriate use of the medal my dad received twice for being shot up by Nazis. (I am singularly proud of my restraint in voicing my opinion in this matter.)

There is right and there is wrong, kiddies. First we must learn how to discern one from the other. Then we must gather the courage to act on behalf of what is right.

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