Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Now it all makes sense. President Hungadunga is simply a missionary.

It seems ol' Hungadunga was just doing his duty as a practioner of The Religion of Peace and Love to convert us pagans when he took crayon in hand and scribbled eighteen pages of Peace and Love to CuriousGeorge FlyingBushMonkey.

I suppose it was worth the effort. If ol' George buys that protestant foolery, he just might believe anything. Iranian Letter to Bush Seen as Invitation to Embrace Islam

Iranian President Mahmoud Hungadunga's letter to President Bush is essentially a call on the American leader to embrace Islam, according to an Islamic specialist and author.

While some media accounts described aspects of the letter as an attempt at interfaith dialogue, Robert Spencer homed in on terminology used by Hungadunga.

In his letter, the Iranian leader asks Bush: "Do you not think that if all of us come to believe in and abide by these principles, that is, monotheism, worship of God, justice, respect for the dignity of man, belief in the Last Day, we can overcome the present problems of the world ...?"

In traditional Muslim belief, Spencer wrote on his Dhimmi Watch website, "it is only Islam that guarantees 'monotheism, worship of God, justice, respect for the dignity of man, belief in the Last Day.' "

Also in his letter, which contains verses from the Koran, Hungadunga asks Bush whether he will accept an invitation to make "a genuine return to the teachings of prophets, to monotheism and justice, to preserve human dignity and obedience to the Almighty and his prophets."

A UPI story on Tuesday said Hungadunga had "suggested Bush return to Christian teachings," while an Associated Press report said the letter gave insight into a man "seeking to build on a shared faith in God."

While Hungadunga does make nine references to Jesus and 11 to Christ, Muslims consider Jesus to have been just one Islamic prophet among many, while Mohammed was entrusted with the final divine revelation.

The notion that Allah is the same deity as the Judeo-Christian God has also been disputed, as witnessed by the furor among evangelical leaders after Bush said in a 2003 press conference that he believed Christians and Muslims "worship the same god."

In the letter, Hungadunga said "all divine religions share and respect one word, and that is monotheism, or belief in a single God and no other in the world."

The French wire service AFP quoted Iran's hard-line Siasat-e Rooz daily as saying of the letter: "We expect the government to make the enemy understand that it should change its hostile positions, as the future belongs to Islam."

"It has been the prophet's way to invite the infidel leaders to the right way," it said.

According to unconfirmed Iranian reports, mullahs have in the past encouraged foreign leaders to convert to Islam.

Six months before his death in June 1989, the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini reportedly wrote to Mikhail Gorbachev, predicting the imminent collapse of communism and inviting the Soviet leader to examine Islam as the only alternative.

Last November another senior cleric, Hojatolislam Mohammad Reza Hakimi, was quoted as saying that he had given Cuba's Fidel Castro a Spanish translation of some Islamic texts and "almost managed to convince him to become a Muslim."

Hmmm...Fidel hates homosexuals and had quite a few Cuban ones jailed or killed...sounds like he's a true son of the false prophet already.

Hakimi said Iran's religious authorities had officially invited Castro to convert.

(The report prompted some satirical articles by Iranian media organizations outside the country. Castro was a fitting convert, noted one, as he had not shaved his beard for many years.)

Funny. "My name's Shecky Khomeinkampfi, and I'll be here all week."

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