Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Nikolai Volkoff Update.

Not content with running for office in Maryland, Nikolai is still wrestling. The primary election in which Mr. Volkoff faces establishment Repansycan opposition is set for September 12, 2006.

Here is a report on his recent appearance in York, PA.

York Daily Record (May 6, 2006): Bad Guy No More

Muscle was his ticket out. Two hundred and sixty pounds of it. His ticket out of former Yugoslavia. His ticket out of the country where Communists killed his grandfather, then-reigning World Champion of Wrestling.

Muscle was the only reason authorities granted him permission to leave. Muscle was the means by which he could get a passport and never return.
A portrait of his grandfather hung on the wall of his boyhood home as inspiration. Relentless determination and six hours of daily training sculpted him into Yugoslavia's weight lifting champion. After a competition in Vienna, the 18-year-old fled Communist rule with just $60 and a single suit to embark on a professional wrestling career that would take him to America.

Nikolai Volkoff still has the suit and says he can still fit in it.

Notorious as a Cold War villain in the World Wide Wrestling Federation and its later versions, Volkoff helped fill Madison Square Garden and arenas across the country for decades. In 2005, the World Wrestling Entertainment Hall of Fame inducted Volkoff as a member with the likes of Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant.

But for Volkoff, the desire to entertain didn't end with the accolades.

LEFT: Volkoff covers 'Superstar Chuckie D' for a pin during their match. Before the night began, Volkoff encouraged his fellow wrestlers to entertain their fans at the Liberty Fire Company. 'Today, all they want is just fast-moving action,' he said. 'Zoom. Boom, boom! They never stop.'

On a recent Friday night, more than 100 people gathered inside the Liberty Fire Company station in North York to watch Volkoff and other World Wide Wrestling Alliance wrestlers battle it out. Before the match began, he stood before a crew of 20 to 30 wrestlers, ranging from first-timers to long-time veterans, and gave them a bit of advice.

"Tell the story," he says, reminding them that the times and their industry are changing.

"It's like the movie industry," he said later. "Today, all they want is just fast-moving action. Zoom. Boom, boom! They never stop."

LEFT: Wrestling superstar Nikolai Volkoff, 59, drags Mark Meyers, aka 'Mark Manson' of Philadelphia, across the ring by his hair during a World Wide Wrestling Alliance night at the Liberty Fire Company in North York recently.

"Wrestling used to have a good guy and a bad guy," he said. "Now it's just two guys fighting."

Volkoff spent the majority of his career as that bad guy. In fact, he was one of the most hated wrestlers. He has since shed that role, choosing to extend his support of the United States beyond wrestling and into government work. Volkoff, who is a code enforcement inspector for Baltimore County, is now running as a Republican for a state delegate seat in Maryland.

"Justice, honesty, and decency come very, very slow in wrestling. It is the same in politics," he said. After escaping Yugoslavia and achieving the American dream, Volkoff said he would now like to give something back.
To the wrestlers gathered in North York recently, Volkoff offered these final words - "Let's give the people what they've come to see!"

I know you think Nikolai's candidacy, like wrestling, is nothing but a joke. You could not be more wrong.

Nikolai's story is exactly what America used to be about. He fled tyranny, came here legally, worked hard, became a citizen, reared a family, and now wants to serve his community and country through elected office.

He's a better American than I am. He's a better American than the fat, ignorant, lazy, selfish clowns I run into every day who get to call themselves Americans because they had the good fortune to be born here. They have certainly done nothing to earn the title.

Maybe we should let the goat rapists, the crimmigrants, (Do you like that one, kiddies? I made it up myself.) and our homegrown left-fascist totalitarians win. The mohammedans would:

1. Forcibly convert the Mexicans, and kill the ones they couldn't convert.

2. Kill all the commie pinkos.

3. Kill everyone else who even looked at them funny.


4. Kill a goodly number of whomever is left (chosen at random) just to keep everybody in line.

Several generations of that might teach us the value of freedom.

But I doubt it.

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