Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Men Without Women Update.

LEFT: The happiest (temporarily) boys in the world.

Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm a woman hater and where would I be without blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

But this story is a great argument for segregating the sexes in school.

Ladies, deep down inside your very heart of hearts you know it's true.

Grand Forks Herald: HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION: Classy in camo
Wolford Class of 2006, all boys, chooses blaze orange and camouflage for class colors

WOLFORD, N.D. - The entire Wolford High School Class of 2006 - all six of them - are boys.

"We're unique, so we like to be different," said Curt Follman, co-valedictorian.

They managed to be different when they chose their class colors - blaze orange and camouflage. They're the pigments of hunting in an area rich with waterfowl and deer.

"It's not a hunting thing as much as it's a manly thing," Curt said. "We wanted something that said 'male.'"

The testosterone-laced colors became possible after the one girl in their class since kindergarten transferred before her senior year.

"We probably still would have tried for these colors, but she wouldn't have let it happen," Curt said. "We would have been out-voted."

Yep. One female vote outweighs six male votes. These boys know what awaits them in the real world. Why begrudge them their little fantasy graduation?

AUDIO: Interview with Curt Follman.

It would seem to be difficult to find a class flower that also reeks of testosterone. But the Senior Six found one in the tiger lily.

It could get kind of weird at the prom, too.

"It's orange and it has 'tiger' in its name," explained Hudson Dunn, the other co-valedictorian.

More cool suggestions...

The hairy half-dozen wanted to take the manly motif even further. They asked for blaze orange gowns. They asked for camouflage netting as a backdrop. They asked for a smoke machine, strobe lights and pounding music for the processional, to be done at a sprint rather than a slow walk.
Between the school board, administration and parents, the answers were: No, no and an emphatic NO!

...smacked down with extreme prejudice by the matriarchy! NO SMOKE MACHINE, NO PEACE!

"Those ideas got kiboshed quickly," Principal Diane Fritel said.

That's because she's a chick.

"Graduation needs to be a dignified ceremony, not a circus."

Some people have short memories.

However, orange tassels and orange boutonnieres received the green light. Cattails and reeds as decorations remain under negotiation.

"Cattails and reeds are real easy to find around here," John Follman said.

What is hard to find around here for the seniors is a date. That's especially true for Curt and Hudson. Wolford's only two junior girls are their sisters. And the prospects aren't improving much for Hudson, who is headed to West Point.

I have two words for you boys. Escort Service. (Your US Senator Byron "L." Dorgan has been in DC long enough to know how to hook you up. Give him a call.)

"With a 10 to 1 ratio of boys to girls, there's not a lot of girls there, either," he said. "But that ratio is better than here."

He won't be there more than two weeks before he realizes West Point would be better off without that 10%.

But, all things considered, the Senior Six enjoyed the lack of a feminine influence.

"There is absolutely no drama in our class," Curt said. "We all get along."

Amen to that, Brother. (Ladies, you know it's true. Competing for your sweet and lovely attentions tends to distract us. And that is putting it mildly.)

That was never more evident than when they made their senior choices. In addition to the colors and flower, consensus also was reached quickly on the macho class slogan: "We will find a way or make one."

Heck, these boys are more grownup than any elected Democrass in two generations!

Said Mike Sell, a real-life wearer of camouflage as a member of the North Dakota National Guard: "With no girls nipping at you or complaining, you can decide things easier."

Amen to that, Brother. (Ladies, do I have to say it again?)

The senior class trip, to Disney World, provided another example. "With us being all guys, it was all rides all the time," Shay Hartvickson said. "You didn't always have to stop to have pictures taken."

Wow. Do you see how clearly the male mind operates while not under influence of the distaff? And you want priests to marry?

In contrast, for symbolism, their choice of class colors was picture perfect.

That is the worst closing sentence I have seen in years. Using nothing would have been better than that.

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