Thursday, May 11, 2006

Memo To Mayor Stephen "Rough Rider" Reed: It depends on whose Al is being gored.

I know this story doesn't interest anyone else, but I think it's hilarious. Harrisburg, PA's mayor-for-life and noted smoker Stephen "Whoa, Big Fella" Reed has been hoisted by the petards (Sorry, kiddies. You'll just have to figure it out for yourselves.) of his fellow Democrasses who control the city council.

Harrisburg Mayor Stephen Reed spoke out Wednesday about Tuesday night's city council vote banning smoking on city property by asking if he was the real target.

It's common knowledge that Reed has been smoking for years. And Tuesday night the city council passed a bill that would make all city-owned or leased buildings and playgrounds smoke free starting in 90 days. Those who want a smoke now must go 15 feet away from the property to light up.
"The nasty politics that permeates the national, state and local system today is the reason for that. And shame on all of them and a plague on all their houses who do that," Reed said.

Golly, Steve, chill out. Your hissy fit is scaring the really sensitive denizens of the Commonwealth's capital.

What's the matter, genius? Don't you like it when the government screws with your life? Welcome to the club, you moron.

The mayor said he wanted to stay above the pettiness of the politics and not point fingers. Reed went on to say he does not have a problem with council members Wanda Williams, Dan Miller, Patty Kim or Vera Jean White.

Councilwoman Gloria Martin Roberts proposed the ordinance. News 8 tried contacting her Wednesday, but calls were not returned.

Currently, city employees are permitted to smoke inside City Hall in designated areas. But if this ordinance takes effect, that will no longer be the case.

Reed said he still has to see the final version of the ordinance before he decides if he will veto it.

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