Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Kiddies, would you like to know the dirty little secret of the protestant non-kerfuffle over "The DaVinci Code"?

The non-Catholics have been saying pretty much the same thing about The Church for hundreds of years. That's why they aren't really that upset.

Look at it this way. How big a leap is there from "Bread and wine cannot be turned into the Body and Blood of Christ" to "Jesus had a wife and kids"?

Interestingly, a few of the neo-Christians have been making some anti-"Code" noise. My guess is somewhere deep inside them they vaguely recognize the fact that without Holy Mother Church, they would not be. Their heresies and schisms are rebellions against what, exactly?

I look at the neo-Christians in exactly the same way I look at Citizen Brown and his moronic romance novel for chicks with a major league death wish.

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