You thought he had guts to take on the goat rapists? The following is from the same article as the last post.
Pell also upset environmentalists by taking issue with some of their assertions about climate change.
In a section of the speech dealing with what he called the "emptiness" of secularism, he said "some of the hysteric and extreme claims about global warming are also a symptom of pagan emptiness, of Western fear when confronted by the immense and basically uncontrollable forces of nature."
"In the past pagans sacrificed animals and even humans in vain attempts to placate capricious and cruel gods," he said.
"Today they demand a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions."
EX-FREAKIN'-ACTLY! Now that's what I call some good cardinalin'!
"I think that Cardinal Pell's comments are extremely unhelpful and insulting to Catholics everywhere who are working very hard to address global warming," Senator Christine Milne of the Australian Greens party told Australian radio.
Address the condition of your immortal soul, you poor, ignorant woman.
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