Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Bonus It Takes A Village To Staff A Gestapo Unit Update.

Wow. Our gal Hit managed to put her base supporters to sleep. They must think she has the coronation locked up.

Hillary speech to media becomes snoozefest
Some at National Press Club 'appeared to have slumped into unconsciousness'


A speech today on energy policy by Sen. Hillary Clinton was "achingly dull," appearing to put some in the audience into "unconsciousness," according to a published account of the address.

The New York Democrat was speaking to the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., during a breakfast meeting slated to begin at 9 a.m.

"It began well enough," writes Francis Harris of Britain's Telegraph. "Resplendent in a lemon yellow two-piece and expensively bejewelled, her star power was plain the moment she entered the room. Everywhere, necks craned for a sight of the immaculately coiffured New York senator. But then she lost it. The half-hour speech was achingly dull, a meandering lecture on energy policy which left the audience stifling yawns."

Harris continued:

As she droned towards the finish, she looked out at a silent, glassy-eyed audience and acknowledged that her speech was a little unusual. "I know this is probably more wonkish than many of you had anticipated," she said, moments after
offering her plans for something called geologic carbon sequestration. "But I feel very strongly about it."

There was a murmur of laughter but only minutes earlier some of those at the breakfast meeting appeared to have slumped into unconsciousness.

Others stifled yawns, held their chins in their hands or stared at the carpet or ceiling. By the time two women peace protesters made their predictable intervention on Iraq (and were predictably carried out by Mrs. Clinton's burly Secret Servicemen) the assembled journalists had largely stopped listening.

Click here for full text of Sen. Clinton's speech.

Click here for video of Sen. Clinton's speech.

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