Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Of course it's me, your friendly neighborhood registered Democrass voter of this voting district in which I am now standing.

Democrats Will Appeal Ruling on Indiana's Voter ID Law
Crosswalk.com via CNSNews.com - A federal court has upheld an Indiana law requiring people to show a government-issued photo ID before voting...

Head Democrass thug Howie Spleen came this close to announcing the introduction of The Party of Blasphemy, Buggery, and 'Bortion's Helping the Dead and Terroristically Inclined to Vote Twice or More Act of 2006:

"Indiana's voter ID law, widely regarded as one of the most restrictive in America, creates unfair obstacles that will prevent citizens who are lawfully eligible to vote from casting their ballots," said DNC Chairman Howard Dean in a statement issued on Monday.

"I applaud the Indiana Democratic Party's decision to appeal this ruling," Dean said. "As part of our Party's commitment to doing whatever we can to ensure that all Americans have the opportunity to participate in our democracy, the DNC will assist the Indiana Democratic Party's legal challenge to this unfair law and continue our fight to make it easier for all Americans to exercise their right to vote."

After I woke from my Dean-induced coma, I read the following:

On Friday, U.S. District Judge Sarah Evans Barker issued an opinion saying that the plaintiffs, including the Indiana Democratic Party and the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana, had produced "not a single piece of evidence" that the law would prevent registered voters from casting ballots.

The ruling means voters who show up for Indiana's May 2 primary must produce a driver's license, passport, or other photo identification issued by the state or federal government.

People who don't have a driver's license or other acceptable photo identification may get a free ID card from the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles, press reports said.

And the Indiana Secretary of State says people who are "unable or unwilling" to present photo ID on Election Day may cast a provisional ballot, as long as they follow up with the County Election Board within 13 days -- providing either a photo ID at that time or an explanation of why the law's exemptions apply.

That seems perfectly reasonable to me, but then again, I'm a hater and oppressor of the hated and oppressed.

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