Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The Neologism Fomerly Known as Hate Crime takes another beating. (sorry)

It seems authorities retreat to the traditional "a crime is a crime" formula when the victim is not a member of a group on the approved list.

( - At least 150 students rallied outside Chicago's Kennedy High School on Tuesday, demanding better security, the Chicago Sun-Times reported. The protest follows last week's beating of a white honor student by four black youths. Police said it does not appear to be a "hate crime."

Hey, Sun-Times, where did that skin tone tainted head count go?

Chicago Sun-Times:‘Brutal Crime’ Has Students Demanding Cops in Classrooms

At least 150 students played hooky from Kennedy High School on Tuesday to demand extra security in their Southwest Side school, saying they'd even welcome cops in the classroom to stem rising violence.

Toting signs reading "Does Someone Have to Die?'' and "We're Scared of School,'' kids rallied across the street from Kennedy in the wake of a brutal beating last week that stunned the school.

Even Jesse Ruiz, State Board of Education chairman, called the assault "disturbing'' and asked the board staff to examine the state's spin on a federal law meant to help students who are crime victims.


Q. Some students are blaming rising violence at Kennedy High on 190 kids who entered the school since Oct. 1. Where did these kids come from?

A. About a fifth came from foreign countries or other states, including Poland, Mexico, Yugoslavia, Wisconsin, Texas and Hawaii, CPS spokesman Michael Vaughn said. Others came from Catholic or suburban schools
or other Chicago public schools, with no more than 10 students arriving from any one school, Vaughn said. A third are special education students, meaning they have learning, behavioral or physical disabilities.

Q. Why did students arrive after the start of the school year?

A. Some came directly from other countries. Some apparently moved into Kennedy's attendance area after school started, CPS officials said. Some also may have moved into the attendance area of an overcrowded school but were assigned to Kennedy because it's not overcrowded. "We have a high mobility rate, and the Southwest Side is the most overcrowded part of the city," Vaughn said. At neighboring Gage Park High, which
is overcrowded, Principal Wilfredo Ortiz said three new students showed up Tuesday, and he has received about 200 new kids since Oct 1. He estimated not more than 10 of them were transferred to Kennedy, which had spaces available in a bilingual Spanish program, which many of them needed.

Q. Why were the kids who beat the Kennedy honor student and broke his nose charged with misdemeanor battery?

A. Generally, a felony aggravated battery charge requires use of a
deadly weapon or "great bodily harm" to the victim, according to authorities. Police decided the case was a misdemeanor and did not refer it to the Cook County state's attorney's office for possible felony charges, Chicago Police spokeswoman Monique Bond said. She said prosecutors can upgrade the charges if that's warranted.

Q. Was this a hate crime?

A. Although the victim was white and the alleged attackers were black, "there doesn't appear to be any indication that this would be a hate crime," Bond said.

Beating prompts walkout

Four Kennedy students have been charged with misdemeanor battery for pummeling a senior honor student and breaking his nose during a March 29 meeting of all seniors in the school auditorium. Witnesses said the attackers threw feces at the victim. (That sounds pretty hateful to me. Perhaps the feces were the wrong color. - F. G.) The motive was uncertain.

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