Thursday, April 13, 2006

Has anyone seen The Great Cartoon War of '06 recently?

I can't understand it.

Various Crusaders and ne'er-do-wells (including Your Humble Servant) published cartoons featuring a noted humanitarian and false prophet named Muhammed who made up his own religion a couple of years ago. Ol' Mr. M's followers were so outraged, they burned, pillaged, and murdered innocent civilians in several places around the globe.

I have been busy, but not so busy as to fail to notice new reports from the various fronts in this Great Cartoon War of '06. What happened?

I would think that if the world's billion-odd mohammedans were really that pissed off and our crime against their religion was that egregious, they would be slaughtering everyone who stood between them and those pesky Danish cartoonists.

But, no, that isn't happening. My guess is the ignorant and enslaved mohammedan masses were once again whipped into a murderous frenzy by their so-called religious leaders for political (Funny how all the bad stuff seems to start there, huh?) purposes.

Why even bother giving them bread and circuses when you can fool them into believing they are doing their god's will?

You can really smell the brimstone...

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