Thursday, April 20, 2006

Chris Reardon caught us red-handed. (Sorry, Ward.) Now what'll we do?

Oh, woe is me! Our fiendish plot to indoctrinate the youth of America has failed! Who will fill the ranks of the Klan now?

Curse you, Cornel "Wild" West! Curse you, Ward "Big Chief" Churchill!

From Best of the Web Today:

Spot the Idiot
In the Daily Collegian, University of Massachusetts-Amherst student Chris Reardon faces up to the unbearable whiteness of being:

OK, I have something to confess here. Until very recently, I was one of those white people. You know the kind. The ones that think race relations are all hunky-dory because we live in a progressive society and because the civil rights movement started 40 years ago. I was too young to know anything about the Rodney King incident and the L.A. riots, and I didn't know enough about economics to understand how and why Hurricane Katrina was a disaster of racist policy. I knew that there was a problem, but I had been too brainwashed by
white-controlled media and by disgustingly racist history lessons to realize just how deep the issue went.

For a number of reasons (not the least of which being the fact that I finally cracked open my Sociology 106: Race, Class and Gender textbook), I've gone through a semi-enlightenment, and I am not happy. They say that those who do not learn their history are doomed to repeat it. I'd like to annotate that
proverb a little by adding that those who muddle the truth of their history are doomed to continue those practices that they wish to forget.

It actually reads better translated into Redneck.

Sure does:

OK, ah have sumpin t'confess hyar. Until mighty recently, ah was one of them white varmints. Yo' knows th' kind, cuss it all t' tarnation. Th' ones thet reckon race relashuns is all hunky-do'y on account o' we live in a progressive society an' on account o' th' civil rights movement started 40 years ago. ah was too yo'ng t'knows ennythin' about th' Rodney Kin' incident an' th' L.A. riots, an' ah didn't knows 'nuff about economics t'unnerstan' how an' whuffo' Hurricane Katrina was a disaster of racist policy. ah knowed thet thar was a problem, but ah had been too brainwarshed by white-corntrolled media an' by disgestin'ly racist histo'y lessons t'reckanize jest how deep th' issue went.

Fo' a number of reasons (not th' least of which bein' th' fack thet ah finally cracked open mah Sociology 106: Race, Class an' Junder textbook), I've gone through a semi-enlightenment, an' ah's not happy. They say thet them who does not larn their histo'y is doomed t'repeat it. I'd like t'annotate thet provahb a li'l by addin' thet them who muddle th' truth of their histo'y is doomed t'continue them prackices thet they wish t'fo'git.

I'd like t'start wif slavery. As explained by Billy Bob B. Moree in his article "Racist Stereotypin' in th' English Language," th' fack thet we still reckon of th' African varmints who were kidnapped an' sploited fo' centuries as slaves who had masters is clear evidence of white ethnercentrism in th' histo'y lessons still taught t'our chillun today. "Th' term slave cornnotes a less than hoomin quality an' turns th' cappive varmint into a thin'," Moree says.

Thet we still refer t'black varmints who were fo'ced t'wawk fo' no pay as slaves is simply a means of minimizin' th' damage done by aristocrats at th' time. Th' psychological impack of larnin' about how slaves were bett up an' raped is lessened on account o' we still reckon of slaves as propuhty, not varmints.ah doubt yo'll see a change enny time soon, howevah, on account o' our histo'y is writ by th' dexcendents of th' varmints who sploited Africans an' by th' varmints who is currently sploitin' millions of on overseas labo'ers. Sweatshops an' chile labo' haf a minimal impack on th' lives of U.S. citizens - 'cept th' fack thet th' producks thet come fum on overseas is substantially less expensive than U.S.-made merchan'ise - simply on account o' we doesn't hafta see it.

Continued, cuss it all t' tarnation...

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