Thursday, March 23, 2006

Why Repansycans are just like Democrasses. Only slower.

Here's the bottom line on any minimum wage, anywhere and anytime: All labor cost increases (just like all corporate tax increases) are passed onto consumers in the form of higher prices. What consumers are least able to afford higher prices on the goods they purchase? Why, that would be the poor minimum wage earners these power-mad goofballs pretend to help. That is all you need to know about the minimum wage because that is all there is to know about it. It is a fraud. It is not a "living wage". (For the confused Catholic kiddies out there. And their confused bishops.)

The Philadelphia Inquirer: Minimum-wage bill likely to pass in Pa.

Sit back and watch Totalitarian Pennsylvania's Repansycans play politics (read: vote buying) with the lives of the poor.

The GOP-controlled legislature appears likely to approve legislation to raise the minimum wage this year, but the increase might be about half the amount Gov. Rendell advocated.

Rendell's spokeswoman, Kate Philips, said it was too hypothetical for her to say whether Rendell would sign legislation raising the minimum wage halfway between the current $5.15 and the $7.15 the governor and other Democrats are pushing for.

Slow Eddie's brain is hypothetical. Lynn Swann could not possibly be any worse.

"We don't believe it's enough," she said. "The governor wants to go farther."

Increasing the minimum wage has emerged as one of Rendell's biggest election-year priorities. It is opposed by business owners who say an increase in labor costs would squeeze their already thin margins.

Note the business community's complicity. They should stand up like men and tell the world the truth: They will pass on all government mandated labor costs in immediate price increases. Do you think the people would blame them or the kleptocrats in Harrisburg?

Unions and advocates for the poor support a raise, saying the minimum wage can barely support a family or help people get ahead, and that an increase would help boost wages for workers at many other pay scales.

Lies and fraud from professional liars and con men.

The House plans to vote on minimum-wage legislation in early April. That bill would raise the minimum immediately to $5.70 and to $6.25 on Jan. 1, 2007. Workers under 18 would be exempt, a concession to business advocates who contend the minimum wage is paid largely to teenagers and others who do not support a household on that pay alone.

Before voting, Democrats will try to amend the bill to boost the increase to $7.15 immediately and provide an annual increase at the rate of inflation.

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