This is not cute. This is insane.
Sunday, my brother told me his 12 year old son received a phone call at 7:30 AM that morning from a girl he knows from school. A Catholic school. It seems this girl has had a thing for my nephew for some time. My 12 year old nephew.
He likes baseball, swimming, video games, playing the drums, and chicken fingers. Oh, yeah, and Sprite.
Girls are not on his radar screen. Nor should they be. I suggested my brother might want to have a talk with the girl's parents. After all, chances are excellent these people are morons and need to be corrected.
Remember JonBenet Ramsey? Remember how sickened you were when you saw how her parents had transformed her into a pre-pubescent cowgirl/vamp/beauty queen/whore? What was she, six?
12 is too damned young, kiddies.
Take away their cellphones and get them away from the tv.
And for goodness' sake, talk to them like parents. That is what you're upposed to be.
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