Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Israeli Crackup Update.

But first, a quote from Israel's new Fearless Leader that pretty well sums up the whole mess. (BTW, don't be shocked to see a rather large migration of Israeli Jews to the US sooner rather than later.)

"We are tired of fighting, we are tired of being courageous, we are tired of winning, we are tired of defeating our enemies, we want to be able to live in an entirely different environment of relations with our enemies." - Ehud Olmert in a June 2005 address to the Israel Policy Forum in New York

Wow. That quote is just plain creepy. Do I detect a whiff of suicidal despair? I wouldn't want to bet my life that he was just playing to his American Jewish audience.

Olmert's Kadima, down to 28 seats, expected to form coalition government Actual election results showed acting PM Ehud Olmert's Kadima Party dropping to 28 seats, followed by Labor at 20, the Shas religious party at 13, upstart Avigdor Lieberman's Israel Beitenu at 12, Netanyahu's right-center Likud at 11, and the right-religious National Union-NRP at 9. Despite the disappointing showing, Olmert is expected to handily assemble a coalition government in the coming weeks. [more]

Olmert says Israel has entered a new chapter in its history
Ehud Olmert said in a victory speech that the Israeli election marked a new chapter in Israeli history and that he planned to draw the country's final borders in the coming years. Olmert, head of the Kadima Party, did not explicity claim victory, dedicating his speech instead to outlining his governing plans. He said he was ready for new peace talks and was prepared to make painful compromises.

Sharon, from hospital bed, dominates Israel's elections
The man who dominated Israel's elections on Tuesday was the one who didn't run: Ariel Sharon. Israel's leader has lain comatose in a Jerusalem hospital since suffering a stroke Jan. 4.

Likud crashes, Labor maintains, Pensioners surprise, Lieberman soars
Leaders of the hawkish Likud, for three decades Israel's ruling faction, said the results of Tuesday's election, based on TV projections, spell disaster for their party.

After elections, Israelis and Palestinians appear on collision course

Ariel Sharon's patented go-it-alone approach to Mideast diplomacy received a boost in both Israel and the Palestinian territories on Tuesday.

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