Friday, March 31, 2006

I get mail...

Responding to my post on the uncooperative and unrepentant 74 year old ex-cop who molests little boys

Annie said...

I do not understand how you only get house arrest when you have stolen the childhood of a ten year old boy.

That is what I would call Problem 1a of the story. The solution? Tougher mandatory sentences for child-sex offenders. But NOT the death penalty, as South Carolina is considering. (The ultimate penalty must be reserved for the ultimate crimes and it would encourage the perverts to kill the second child under 11 they rape. If you're gonna get the chair for rape, you might as well get the chair for killing the only witness to that rape. Perverts aren't necessarily stupid.)

Problem 1b is the counseling and therapy he was "sentenced" to complete. Even if they are trying to teach this wretch his sexual desire are wrong and he must not act on them, (a big if nowadays, kiddies) there is no evidence it works. I am certain nobody is counseling him about his impending trip to Hell if he does not repent. The solution? Chemical castration, physical castration, lock him up forever in solitary confinement. Or maybe tattoo "Child Rapist" on his forehead and throw him into the general prison population. Even ordinary bad guys don't like child molesters.

Problem 1c is how many times did this guy use his job as a cop to get at little boys and did anyone notice if he did? I doubt he adopted pedophilia as something to pass the time after his retirement.

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