Friday, March 10, 2006

13 terrorists in Iraq now know the truth.

From ABC News:

Iraqi authorities hanged 13 insurgents (Ah, yes. Insurgents. Of course the freely elected authorities of Iraq couldn't possibly be right in calling them terrorists. Here's a simple test for all you kiddies out there to help tell the terrorists from the insurgents. Terrorists attack innocents and insurgents attack military assets. - F. G.) Thursday, marking the first time militants have been executed in the country since Saddam Hussein was ousted, the government said. A series of explosions, including a car bomb that struck a Sunni mosque, and a shooting killed 16 civilians and wounded 31 as a dust storm enveloped the capital.

The U.S. military, meanwhile, confirmed claims that a mass abduction from a security firm was the work of kidnappers masquerading as Interior Ministry commandos.

In political developments, Shiite politicians said they had asked Kurdish President Jalal Talabani to convene parliament March 19, one week past the constitutional deadline, marking an apparent compromise in the battle over a second term for Shiite Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari.

The Cabinet announcement listed the name of only one of those hanged, Shukair Farid, a former policeman in the northern city of Mosul, who allegedly confessed that he had worked with Syrian foreign fighters to enlist fellow Iraqis to kill police and civilians.

"The competent authorities have today carried out the death sentences of 13 terrorists," according to the statement.

It said Farid had "confessed that foreigners recruited him to spread the fear through killings and abductions."

A judicial official said the death sentences were handed down in separate trials and were carried out in Baghdad.

"The 13 terrorists were tried in different courts and their trials began in 2005 and ended earlier this year," an official of the Supreme Judiciary Council said, speaking on condition of anonymity due to fears of reprisal from insurgents.

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