Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Website of the Day.

It's jcsgirls.com, a Christian attempt to reach folks in the employ of Big Masturbation and the men who are its customers. Their mission:

Our whole goal when we began was simply to get the message out to people in the sex industry that when they are ready to come to God, he will not turn his back on them. This is still our goal…so this means that even if a girl never enters the door of a church, a huge accomplishment has been achieved in helping her get the message that God forgives no matter what she has done! God is using us to get this message out way faster than we anticipated.

The girls went to the AVN show (For you good little boys and girls out there who wouldn't know.) in Las Vegas:

WE survived Vegas!

OK, the weekend was so Great. It is hard for me to expain just how great it was. It really showed me that God was in control because I just could not have asked for a better experience. We gave out over 200 bibles that we wrapped inside t-shirts that said holyhottie, these where all personally brought up by us girls to the porn stars. We told the girls who we were and then told them that we would like to help them find a church where they could go and not feel judged while they began to explore a relationship with God. The girls where so nice and supportive of our ministry. We did not have one bad experience NOT one! We even decided to walk over to the gay section and give out t-shirts and bibles to the guys. They were so exited and we ended up needing to take another trip because they wanted more bibles. Then they found our booth and told us that they wanted more because not everyone recieved a bible in there section :) We where brought over to booths by male pornstars who wanted us to give bibles to the female stars. Everything that happend was so shocking to be honast because I just didnt expect such huge a support. Once again God has blown my mind! Ok now I can talk about media..WOW , we were swamped between canadian tv,german tv, CNN, The London Observer, and of course our favorite film maker Bill Day, we also were doing many interviews for the people in the industry that would approch us and ask us for a interveiw. So if you here me on the radio or see me on T.V. and I sound like a man dont worry I have not had a sex change I just lost my voice. I really want to thank all of you for all of your prayers I know that God did a amazing thing this weekend and all of you that were praying were such a huge part of that. To all the new friends that we made this weekend WE LOVE YOU ! God Bless ! ! Heather

This is an excellent approach to dismantling Big Masturbation, attacking it from both the supply and the demand side. Getting these people to "a church" is only a first step. Eventually, people caught up in this nonsense (from either end) must be confronted with the fact that what they are doing is sinful.

Yes, ladies, Jesus is Love. But he is also Justice. On the whole, it is best not to wait until you are on your deathbed (or until your looks fail you, for that matter) to repent and confess.

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