Thursday, February 23, 2006

Kid Rock, Scott Stapp, and 4 chicks walk into a bus with a video camera...

...uh...No punchline for this one, kiddies.

LEFT: Living proof that, at least in some neighborhoods, money and fame are indeed aphrodisiacs.

Kid Rock has won an initial victory in his attempt to stop a California company from releasing an explicit sex video featuring the rap-rocker, former Creed singer Scott Stapp and four women.

Wasn't Stapp (from the band Creed) supposed to be some kind of Christian?

Well, I guess he is some kind of Christian...

U.S. District Court Judge John Feikens signed a temporary order that stops David Joseph and his World Wide Red Light District company from distributing or promoting any portion of the tape, including a 40-second preview clip of the video that was previously displayed on Red Light District's Web sites.

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