Even if he champions Blasphemy, Buggery, and 'Bortion, Mr. "Osama Obama" (Thanks to Senator Murder for that one.) doesn't have a chance of winning the Democrass nomination for president anytime soon. Want a reason that doesn't rhyme with "spitlery"? It is helpful for the Ds to have a black US Senator so all the white US Senators in their party can be photographed taking him seriously.
Want another? Check out the following story. It appears he wants to be thought of as an "idea" politician. Not a smart move when you live on the lockstep plantation.
Democrat Advocates National Energy Independence
In News This Hour from CNSNews.com:
Sen. Barack Obama, the Illinois Democrat who was mentioned as a someday-presidential-hopeful as soon as he was elected to the Senate, plans to deliver a "major speech on energy" on Tuesday. Obama will address the Governors' Ethanol Coalition at the winter meeting of the National Governors Association. His speech will "focus on a plan to make America independent of risky foreign sources of oil," a press release said. Obama's remarks will follow those of U.S. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman. Obama is advocating a national project to achieve energy independence within a decade, as outlined by the Apollo Alliance, a coalition of business, labor, community and environmental leaders.
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