Friday, February 24, 2006

From the Australian Front:

E Pluribus Unum, kiddies. (Or its non-union Australian equivalent.)

Learn it, live it, love it.

If you want the benefits of a free, democratic, capitalistic country, you MUST behave in certain ways and you must NOT behave in other certain ways. It really is that simple.

If you think you can continue to agitate and even wage war from within the democracies, your time is running out. The reaction against you by fat and lazy Westerners will be swift and bloody. It may take several more outrages on our soil to provoke us, but I assure you it will happen.

Then when you call upon the charity of Christians to save you from annihilation, you will discover we are not powerful enough to help. You see, kiddies, there is a common Enemy out there - the Enemy of all who believe in something greater than man or earth.

Adopt Our Values or Go Home, Foreign-Born Muslims Told( - Australian Muslims already unhappy with Prime Minister John Howard's criticism about Islamic radicalism are bristling at even tougher comments from the man tipped to succeed him, who says any Muslim immigrant who can't accept Australian values should leave. Full Story

'Shari'a Law Has No Place Here'
( - An Australian politician's comments about Muslims wanting to live under Islamic law (shari'a) has focused attention on the push by Muslim minorities in some Western countries to establish enclaves where Islamic norms and laws hold sway. Full Story

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