Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Why all spies should be executed after conviction and interrogation.

Sure, allies spy on each other all the time. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't shoot their spies when we catch them.

The delusional Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Pollard apparently are insane enough to compare him to Sharansky. (And I'm a friend of Israel. Imagine what the haters think of this nonsense.)

From Israelinsider:

The betrayal of my husband, Jonathan Pollard, by the Government of Israel, by the Ministry of Defense, and by the Knesset has now been officially rubber-stamped by the High Court of Justice.

Jonathan and I are deeply disappointed by the decision rendered by the High Court of Justice of Israel denying Jonathan's petition to officially recognize him as a Prisoner of Zion.

Zion, schmion. Darling, his ass belongs to us now.

And comparing our justice system to the USSR's won't gain you two any goodwill with people who matter.

History will not need to judge whether or not Jonathan Pollard is a Prisoner of Zion; but it will certainly judge how the High Court of Justice treated him. It is clear to every single Israeli with a heart and a sense of justice, that Jonathan has served the State of Israel for 21 years; that he is a Prisoner of Zion; and that he certainly deserved better than this from the country he served. Even the Prisoners of Zion themselves, through their official Organization, have recognized Jonathan and officially count him as one of their own...

We are shocked by the sophistry the court used to deny Jonathan's petition. The Court's written decision claims that Jonathan, an official Israeli agent, who spied for Israel cannot be granted Prisoner of Zion Status because he was not arrested as a Jew; and because espionage is a felony, not a Zionist activity. It further states that only one who is arrested as a Jew for an activity which encourages Aliyah, but which is considered illegal in the country of arrest, can be considered a Prisoner of Zion. This flies in the face of historical precedent and fact.

Israel's best known Prisoner of Zion, former cabinet minister Natan Sharansky is a convicted spy and felon. Sharanksy was arrested, indicted, convicted and incarcerated in the Soviet Union on charges of spying for the US. Yet he is recognized by the State of Israel as a Prisoner of Zion...

The Court simply turned a blind eye to Jonathan's documented claims of harsh treatment and abuse and to the anti-Semitic nature of his life sentence. It demonstrated a complete unwillingness to extend the same consideration to him that the Government of Israel routinely extends to murderers and terrorists -- which it is now poised to extend to multiple murderers Marwan Barghouti and Samir Kuntar -- treating them as Prisoners of War, in order to free them.

But the High Court of Israel could not find it in its heart to grant Jonathan Pollard the status of Prisoner of Zion, to which he is fully entitled, not even to save the life of an Israeli agent. Justice has not been served.

Pollard's campaign to influence public opinion in Israel (and Jewish opinion in the US) makes him look like a whiny little pansy.

Take your punishment like a man. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

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