Monday, January 30, 2006

Senator Chafing Will Vote No on Alito

Will somebody on this embarrassment's staff fill out the proper paperwork and switch his affiliation to Democrass? Everyone knows he doesn't represent any Republians who voted for him. Repansycans, yes. Republicans, no.

( - Sen. Lincoln Chafee, a liberal Republican from R.I., announced Monday morning that he will vote against the nomination of Judge Samuel Alito. At a press conference in Providence, Chafee -- an abortion supporter -- said he was "greatly concerned" about some of Alito's leanings, the Providence Journal Bulletin reported. Chafee's vote is not expected to matter; with the defection of several Democrats, Alito is expected to be confirmed with or without Chafee's vote. Chafee, who is running for re-election in a Democratic state, has the support of the White House. Cranston Mayor Stephen Laffey, who's challenging Chafee in the primary, says he would vote to confirm Alito if he could.

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