The following lie and hate-filled lying hatefest is so obviously a product of the White Establishment's war on truly successful black men because everyone knows Mayor Barry rid the District of guns ages ago (Except for Carl Rowan's, of course.)
Marion Barry, former DC Mayor, robbed at gunpoint...
Former District of Columbia Mayor Marion Barry was robbed at gunpoint at his apartment by some youths who had helped him carry his groceries.
Barry, who wasn't injured in the Monday night robbery, said he gave the youths a couple of dollars for helping unload groceries from his car and they left. They returned, however, and after Barry let them into his Southeast apartment, they pointed a gun at his head and took his wallet, which contained cash and credit cards, Barry told WRC-TV.
"Obviously, I'm traumatized. To have a pistol cocked in your face is not something you cannot feel emotional about," Barry said.
Barry, 69, is a member of the City Council and served four terms as mayor. In his third term, he was videotaped in 1990 in a hotel room smoking crack cocaine in an FBI sting. The following year, he served a six-month prison sentence.
He is awaiting sentencing later this month in federal court on his guilty plea to two misdemeanor counts stemming from his failure to file income tax returns in 2000.
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