Thursday, January 26, 2006

Lynn Swann is a rich white man.

Bill Scranton fires campaign chief

Notice how rich and white and male are pejorative if you are a Repansycan.

Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Scranton fired his campaign manager last night after Jim Seif called Scranton’s political rival, Lynn Swann, “the rich white guy in this campaign.” Swann, a former Pittsburgh Steeler, is African-American and if elected would be the first black Republican governor. Seif made the remark during a call-in program last night on PCN, which featured him and Swann’s campaign manager. Ray Zaborney. Zaborney responded to Seif’s comment by saying, “That’s one of the most ridiculous and insulting things I’ve ever heard in politics.”

When a caller challenged Seif about his comment, Seif said that if “Mr. Swann finds that objectionable, I will apologize.”

It’s unclear whether he did. Efforts to reach Seif this morning were unsuccessful. Swann and Scranton, who are both running for governor, are currently locked in a battle for the Republican State Committee’s endorsement. Swann has already picked up two non-binding endorsements from two of the party's six regional caucuses and appears to be the front-runner for the GOP’s Feb. 11 endorsement.

Scranton, who trails Swann in the polls, recently called for the committee to refrain from making an endorsement.

Scranton attempted to reach Swann last night to apologize. In a statement, Scranton expressed regret for what Seif said. “I want to apologize to Lynn Swann, his family, supporters and PCN viewers for the offensive and disturbing comments made on my behalf.” Scranton in a statement said that Seif’s remarks, “in no way whatsoever reflect my views or those of my campaign.”

Mike DeVanney, Scranton’s deputy campaign manger, will take over Seif’s duties until a replacement is named. (Thanks to and the Harrisburg Patriot-News for the heads up.)

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