Death row blogger describes last days of condemned man
Convicted (and sentenced to die) killer for hire Vernon Lee Evans (What's the deal with the media and killers' middle names?) trolls by proxy for ghouls (not girls) on Al's third greatest invention.
Memo To Vern: Get right with God. Time's running out.
From death row in Baltimore Vernon Lee Evans doles out philosophy and advice to the curious, confused and lonely around the world on a unique blog, but his blogging days are numbered with the approach of his execution early next month.
"For too long people have only heard one side of the story concerning the men and women on death row," said Evans, who was sentenced to death for a double murder in 1983. "The justice system has allowed the media to paint all the prisoners as animals."
No sir. We know you are all too human.
Evans does not have access to a computer in his cell. His blog is run by Virginia Simmons, an active opponent of capital punishment, who sends him questions from readers and posts his written or typed replies.
Most of his correspondents are curious about life on death row, but some are looking for advice from someone who has had 22 years to contemplate existential matters. Felipe, a Brazilian feeling "tired, bored and sad" living in Canada, wrote to him last year, asking if music helped him cope with his circumstances.
"Listen to me. I am not always right, but listen to me anyway, and you might get something out of what I have to say," Evans replied.
"Now, here's the deal, you are young, and you should not have such fear when you are a talented young man. You could have friends if you stopped being on guard. Your music is a perfect tool to lure a friend."
Lure? That is an interesting choice of words.
Not all his readers are sympathetic. "Why don't you stand up and take your punishment like a man?" one reader wanted to know.
Evans won a stay of execution in April and his lawyers are still fighting for another ahead of his next execution date set for the week beginning February 6.
Evans insists he "did not pull the trigger" in the murder of David Scott Piechowicz and Susan Kennedy in their motel.
At his trial, however, several witnesses, including his girlfriend, testified he had shot them in a contract killing worth $9,000 (£5,000).
Nine grand? That's pretty cheap for three souls, Vern.
Yep, you've got one too.
At least you have the opportunity to repent before you are killed. (A courtesy you denied your victims.)
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