Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Yet another It Takes A Village To Staff A Gestapo Unit Update. (What can I do? Ol' Hitlery's been busy triangulatin' this week.)

Vogelhund oder Diktator? Kennen Sie den Unterschied?

US Senator Hitlerly Madman Clinton (N*-NY), noted reactionary warmonger, is under attack from the Forces of Progress.

Angry activists set to hound Hit

Anti-war activists furious with Sen. Hillary Clinton are vowing to bird-dog her everywhere she goes, starting with a swanky Manhattan fund-raiser tonight.

Clinton's letter last week clarifying her position on Iraq - which included rejecting a timetable for withdrawal - fanned the anger of some war opponents, who decided to launch a campaign against New York's junior senator.

"We're calling it Bird-Dog Hillary," said Medea Benjamin of the peace group Codepink.

That's looks-ism, honey. She can't help she's ugly.

And what about the real bird dogs? Did anyone ask them if they are offended by this association with America's #1 fascist?

(BTW, I'll bet you $20 this shrew's mom didn't name her Medea.)

"I'm so mad at her," said Nancy Kricorian, Codepink's New York City coordinator. "We will dog her wherever she goes."

I see everyone got the compare-the-bitch-to-a-dog-memo from Feingold's office. (Haha! Just kidding, Russ baby. I kid because you're a totalitarian too. Get it?)

Kricorian's group and several others plan to show up tonight at Crobar in Manhattan, where former President Bill Clinton is the top draw at a fund-raiser for his wife.

It sounds like an S&M place. Ol' Goober II will fit right in. Chicks with low self-esteem abused by powerful men and all that.

The idea is to have protesters tail the senator around the state and the country in hopes of persuading her to oppose the war.

BTW, the name "Codepink" is a bit sexist. You gals should change it. What color is flannel, anyway?

Protesters from the group interrupted a Clinton speech Saturday in Chicago and an unrelated group demonstrated at her appearance Friday at a Democratic fund-raiser in Kentucky.

Codepink is also organizing a bigger rally for Dec. 20, when Clinton heads to San Francisco for a bar association benefit and an interview session with Jane Pauley. (Thanks to the NY Daily News and Drudge for the heads up.)

* Nazi Party.

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