Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The War of the Natural Law continues apace.

Catholic Philippines Mulling Limits on Family Size
(CNSNews.com) - Lawmakers in the predominantly Catholic Philippines will soon consider legislation promoting artificial contraception and promoting the idea of a two-child limit for families. Full Story

Laws and Stigma Make Abortion Rare in SD
(CNSNews.com) - It's hard to obtain an abortion in South Dakota, where there's only one clinic -- and no in-state doctors willing to perform the procedure because of the baby-killer stigma attached to it, the Washington Post reported on Tuesday.

It was clinic day, the one day a week when the only facility in South Dakota that provides abortions could take in patients. This time it was a Wednesday. The week before it was a Monday.

The day changes depending on the schedules of four doctors from Minnesota who fly here on a rotating basis to perform abortions, something no doctor in South Dakota will do. The last doctor in South Dakota to perform abortions stopped about eight years ago; the consensus in the medical community is that offering the procedure is not worth the stigma of being branded a baby killer.

Wow. Stigma, eh? I'd call it conscience reinforced by the words and deeds of people of good will. Whatever. As long as fewer kids are being chopped up for fun and profit...

Abortions Hit 30-year Low in Illinois
(CNSNews.com) - The number of women and girls obtaining abortions in Illinois hit a 30-year low in 2004, the Chicago Sun-Times reported, but explanations for the decline differ, depending on which side you ask.

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