Friday, November 04, 2005

Wow. Carl "The Untruth" Levin is still in the senate?

Donald Rumsfeld wants Dorrance Smith to be confirmed as assistant secretary of defense for public affairs--but there's a hitch. Sen. Carl Levin (D., Mich.) has latched on to an op-ed about reporting in an age of terrorism that Mr. Smith wrote for this newspaper on April 25 and pronounced him unfit for the Pentagon job. Mr. Smith's alleged sin? To summarize Sen. Levin's complaints at an Oct. 25 grilling of the nominee: "Unfair labeling."

You decide. In the course of his op-ed (which you can read here), Mr. Smith criticized the U.S. media's habit of routinely broadcasting terrorist statements and tapes obtained from the Arab-language broadcaster al-Jazeera and raised questions that many Americans have asked themselves: By airing such footage--of insurgents in Iraq holding hostages or attacking U.S soldiers and of al Qaeda officials promising death and destruction--do TV networks effectively (if unwittingly) enter into a propaganda partnership with terrorists?

Does the terrorists' knowledge that their grisly filmed messages will instantly reach millions embolden them to create more chaos and endanger more lives? Do U.S. networks--Mr. Smith mentioned six by name, including CNN and Fox--that air these tapes know, or even inquire about, the terms under which al-Jazeera obtained them?

Is it news each time an al Qaeda leader makes a video, promising death to infidels and offering paradise to suicide bombers? No more so than when Cold War-era Soviet agitprop went on about the glorious Red Army poised to crush the warmongering NATO--which is why routine Soviet propaganda was largely ignored by the mainstream U.S. media. There is an argument to be made that allowing the terrorists (and before them, the communists) to explain their murderous ambitions to an American audience forces us to take their threats seriously.
(Thanks to OpinionJournal for the heads up.)

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