Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Religion of Peace Update.

You'd think these pinheads would blame somebody else once in a while for their ignorance, poverty, anger, et cetera.

But then again, the sad fact is Blame-The-Jew works all too often.

Iran's Mehr "news" agency, meanwhile, reports that Iranian "journalists" are "calling on the French government to cooperate with them in establishing a fact-finding commission in order to investigate the conditions of French Muslims." The pro-mullah scribes blame the Jews for the Muslims' violence:

"We suppose that the French government has carried out the recent discriminatory and anti-human rights acts under the influence of the Zionist lobby in France to limit the social and personal freedoms of the Muslims residing in the country, which is quite unacceptable on the part of a country that claims to be democratic," part of the statement read.

Meanwhile, Reuters reports President Jacques Chirac "has kept almost completely out of sight" since the insurgency began--certainly a blessing to Americans, if not to Frenchmen seeking leadership.

Now It's Really Getting Ugly"Rioters Thumb Noses at Chirac"--headline, Australian, Nov. 8

French Police Kill Americans!"It's been 11 days since two African-American teenagers were killed, electrocuted during a police chase, which prompted all of this."--CNN anchorman Carol Lin, Nov. 6
(Thanks to Best of the Web Today for the heads up.)

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