Monday, November 07, 2005

Religion of Peace Update...

...or, When is a Frenchman not a Frenchman?
...or, Exactly how much peace did appeasement buy?

Attack on Cruise Liner: Piracy or Anti-US Terror?

( - Gunmen who attacked a luxury cruise liner off the east coast of Africa may have been terrorists targeting Americans and other Westerners rather than pirates, the Australian government said Monday. Full Story

Muslim Violence in France Hits New Peak

( - In France, Muslim leaders of African and Arab communities have issued a fatwa, or religious edict, against the riots that have erupted in France, the BBC reported.

Paris police fear rioters' heavy arms

Police officers, exhausted and dispirited after 11 nights of street battles, say their mainly young African and Arab adversaries have access to sophisticated weapons including grenades and could soon begin using them.

A dozen officers were injured, two of them seriously, after being shot with hunting rifles fitted with lead pellets during rioting last night in the suburb of Grigny, south of Paris, police said.

Jean-Christophe Carne, president of a police trade union, told The Washington Times before last night's outbreak that police officers were increasingly pessimistic that civic order would be restored anytime soon.

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