Wednesday, November 02, 2005

More on acceptable racist hatred from Michelle Malkin.

I hope and pray Malkin and Steele know they are better people than the ignorant totalitarian racists who attack them. Keep the Faith, baby. And keep up the fight.

This is how low the Left's political discourse has sunk: I'm a banana and a coconut and a whore and worse. Michael Steele is an Uncle Tom and a Sambo. Here's (LEFT) the despicable photo that left-wing bigot blogger Steve Gilliard (proving that blacks can be vicious racists, too) published and only removed after conservative bloggers blew the whistle:

So, defacing Steele's photo and assaulting him with Oreo cookies are peaceful exercises of free speech. Demonizing Condi is a harmless prank. Calling her a "House Nigga" is acceptable humor.

No minority who embraces liberal ideas is ever attacked for being a "race traitor" or a "sellout." These ad hominem attacks are leveled only by the Left, and only against minority conservatives. For the unhinged Left, race-baiting has become an expedient substitute for substantive argument.

Ain't tolerance grand?

1 comment:

  1. I saw Michelle on TV last night talking about her new book. She has the emails of some of those who have said things to her on the back cover. Think that is a good way to expose some, but it takes nothing to get rid of one email address and get another.

    A little harder would have been to publish the email address WITH the isp number. Though they can change providers, most don't want to get rid of a faster service if they have DSL or Cable.
