Monday, November 07, 2005

Have you no shame, madam?

Well, obviously not. She's a rabid babykiller, after all.

The abortion lobby faces an uphill battle to prevent a pro-life justice from replacing a pro-choice justice on the Supreme Court. That explains why abortion rights activist Kate Michelman cited her personal history to try to generate emotion against the nomination of federal Appellate Judge Samuel Alito. The problem is that the example she cited is inappropriate and inapplicable.

Michelman, former president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, said Alito as a judge affirmed legislation that would have required her to notify a husband who had abandoned her of plans to get an abortion. That raised the prospect of women chasing after a deserting spouse, desperately trying to find him in order to fulfill notification requirements.

In fact, the Pennsylvania law in question would have exempted Michelman from spousal notification in such a situation.
(Thanks to Robert Novak for the heads up.)

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