I am seriously thinking about not voting for a while. Let me explain, kiddies.
The Miers nomination may have been the last straw, but this thought has been fermenting in my fertile brain for a long time. The Repansycan Party has not been living up to its promises and must be punished. As I so eloquently put it some time ago: Don't wanna be a conservative on the Repansycan plantation no more.
And please do not insult me with that "trust the president " crap. The President of the United States of America should be enough of a man to stand up and proudly proclaim what he believes. If he believes anything, that is. Each and every day.
This is really about my discomfort with what Mr. Bush refers to as his Christian faith. Sorry, kiddies, but to me it seems protestants just make it up as they go. (Aggravated by Politicians' Disease, of course.) To be fair, so does almost everybody else. It's just the idea of their constant reference to their "faith" (whatever it happens to be at that particular time) as if it was The One, True, Unchangeable Faith. That really gives me the willies.
The bottom line? I think Mr. Bush and people like him have nothing solid and constant upon which they can rely when they need it.
That may be a bit harsh. Try this on for size: They do not have anything that is sufficient for the job, whether we are talking about running the world's only superpower, or something really important like saving their souls.
"But, Fyodor", you cry, "won't your refusal to vote help The Party of Blasphemy, Buggery, and 'Bortion? in their never-ending quest to enslave us all and murder us if we refuse to submit to them?" And then you cry: "Isn't the lesser of two evils the better choice?"
As I Catholic, I have never been enamored with that particular idea. And, to be honest, the Repansycans have not been much lesser of late.
As a white, middle class Catholic male in a blue state, I realize the Repansycans do not much care if I vote or not. I also know I have no desire to try to convince others like me to consider refusing to vote.
But I also know I am not the only member of the Repansycan base who thinks this way.
The times, they are a changin', kiddies. Remember where you heard it first.
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