Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Scary stuff from the heartland, kiddies. Is your friendly neighborhood moslem-American planning to blow himself up and take you with him?

Michelle Malkin has the best conservative blog going. Check this out:


By Michelle Malkin · October 04, 2005 04:27 PM

***updated...attempted ammonium nitrate purchase?...bomb contained TATP...Hinrichs attended the same mosque as Zacarias Moussaoui?***

Veteran journalist Mark Tapscott raises red flags over the MSM's coverage of the Oklahoma suicide bomber.

Who is Joel Hinrichs?
Keeping an eye on the story...

***730pm EDT update. Hinrichs reportedly tried to buy ammonium nitrate. Gateway Pundit Jim Hoft has details.

The story was broken by KOCO 5 at Channel

Flopping Aces reports: "Apparently the local CBS affiliate in OKC had a report that Hinrichs has been known to visit the local Islamic center around the corner from his apartment..."

Wizbang with details from this morning.

***555 am EDT 10/5 update: Channel Oklahoma reported last night that Hinrichs' bomb contained TATP, the same substance used by shoebomber Richard Reid:
Sources confirmed Tuesday night that at least one of the components in the bomb used by Joel Henry Hinrichs III Saturday night was a product called TATP.
Technically, TATP is triacetone triperoxide. However, it's called the 'Mother of Satan' by Islamist extremists. Experts say it is made by mixing common household items such as drain cleaner and bleach to create a white powder with a strong smell.
It's so volatile that it can explode even if it's merely dropped. It can even explode spontaneously, experts say.
There have been very few reports of TATP being used in the United States; however, there have been more documented cases overseas -- including Richard Reid, who was arrested after he used TATP in his shoe and tried to light it on a flight. confirms that Hinrichs tried to buy a "large quantity of ammonium nitrate fertilizer" at a Norman, Ok., feedstore four days before the bombing and reports that Hinrichs attended the same Norman mosque once attended by Zacarias Moussaoui. (Hat tip: G. Hancock and Jason Smith.)

Meanwhile, the FBI tells the Colorado Springs Gazette that Hinrichs had no known ties to extremist or terrorist groups. The national MSM is still AWOL.


Suicide bomber in Oklahoma

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