Tuesday, October 04, 2005

From The Stuff You Can't Do In A Moslem Country (other than Afghanistan and Iraq - and we know whose blood made those two free, don't we?) Department:

CAIR, a group of moslems living in a free country, exercised their rights of association and free speech to protest this magazine ad (ABOVE - Thanks to P-BS-Watcher for the photo.) from Boeing and Bell Helicopter Textron showing some of Our Boys repelling from a plane onto a nest of thuggish civilian-killers (who claim to be moslems too) that also happened to be a mosque.

Yesterday I posted a link to a story about the companies abject apology for their "insensitive" ad. This prompted a comment from P-BS-Watcher.

P-BS-Watcher said...
The ad offended CAIR. That's a good start. See
PBS Watch

Amen to that, Brother. I don't cair either.

If that sounds insensitive to you, gentle reader, be advised I wanted the Israelis to storm The Church of the Nativity when it was
desecrated by a certain type of adherent to the teachings of The Religion of Peace a few years ago. And I'm a guy who thinks The Church of the Nativity is worth more than all the mosques in the world.

Priorities, kiddies. Priorities.

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